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Year 6

Click the link below to access 2024-25 Year 6's Gallery to see what we have been up to! (soon to be updated)

Welcome to Year 6.  Croeso!

Staff in Year 6: Mrs N. Austin, Mrs L Poiner, Mrs Kidwell

2024 to 25


Hello all and welcome to the Year 6 page, we are so excited for this year to begin and cannot wait to get stuck in to year 6 life. We are all looking forward to working with you all and helping you progress in your learning journey. We will strive to ensure you are well-placed, ready and prepared for life in comprehensive school next year. 


The circumstances surrounding this year are certainly different, we will have to adapt to new challenges and work in new and different ways. Having everyone back in the classroom together is something that Mrs. Kidwell and I are looking forward to tremendously, we are going to have a fun and exciting year. Make it your best one yet, pob lwc pawb!



PE Days and Estuary Education

This year we are lucky enough to be able to continue our Estuary Education that we started last year. Once a fortnight, we will undertake activities utilising the estuary. 

Dates for Autumn 1 will be: (updated soon)

Dates for Autumn 2 will be: 



Swimming sessions 


Reading At Casllwchwr, we do many forms of reading:
Guided reading in groups and whole class (same text for whole group - decided by the teacher with lots of talk involved teaching objectives)
Shared (paired, group and whole class)
Independent (own choice)

Please make sure you bring your reading books into school every day. Use your Reading Eggs account as much as you can. I understand it may be hard for Mums and Dads to hear you read every night, so be independent and read to yourself when they can’t. Try to alternate it as much as possible and try to read a range of books.



Literacy homework given out on Mondays and brought in on the Friday.
Numeracy homework set on Mondays due on Fridays via Maths Watch - the link is below.


Friday Dictation Challenge 

Once children have become familiar with and have practised the weekly spelling words, both at home and at school, they will be given a dictation challenge on the Friday.  This will allow them to show how they are able to apply the words to their writing and will also give opportunities to practise punctuation and grammar skills.  We are really keen to emphasise to the children that they are learning spellings and punctuation, not for a ‘test’, but instead to become more confident, competent writers.  


Reading every night for 20 minutes


Oracy Projects: 1 in the Autumn linked to topic and 1 in the Summer, linked to topic.
These need to be something that you are interested in. 


2024- 25 topics

AUTUMN TERM 2024  : What's beyond the Stars?


To contact Mrs Austin or Mrs Poiner

We will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.
