Late / Absence Procedures
There is a legal requirement on the school to monitor attendance.
In case of absence, parents are asked to inform the school by telephone on the first day of absence - subsequently on the child's return to school, parents are required to send a letter giving details of the reason for absence. Without a written or oral explanation the child's absence must be deemed unauthorised.
The school will issue Fixed Penalty Notices, in line with the LA and regional policy to parents where their child’s absence falls below 90% or they are consistently late for school. We positively promote good attendance weekly and have an attendance award each half term to recognise those pupils that have 100% attendance and improved attendance. There are also certificates for those pupils who achieve above 95%.
It is extremely important that the children are on time for school so that they get the best possible start to the day. If a child is just a few minutes late, it can mean that they have missed important information and teaching time. Therefore we positively promote punctuality.