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Year 1/2

Click the link below to access 2024-25 Year 1/2's Gallery to see what we have been up to! (soon to be updated)


Welcome to Year 1/2.  Croeso!

Staff in Year 1/2:Mrs K. Taylor, Mrs A Williams


We are so excited to be welcoming you back to school after our Summer holidays.   We have got an exciting and fun-filled year ahead, with lots of lovely whole school and phase topics. 



PE Day: 
Monday (PM)- Children to wear school jumpers or red cardigans with t-shirt and suitable bottoms such as leggings, tracksuit bottoms or shorts (summer) and trainers into school on this day. Children will need to be able to fasten their shoes themselves. This is essential for the children's safety while taking part in physical activity. The children will also be doing the daily mile every day weather permitting. 


Estuary Education: 
We are very fortunate to have such a rich learning environment literally on our doorstep. Every fortnight on a Wednesday, we will be completing activities using our school nature reserve and the local area.  Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather which includes, waterproof coats and wellies in the Winter.


Here are the dates for Spring term  (subject to change) :

15th January

29th January

12th February

5th March

19th March

2nd April




Homework will be set on a Monday and pupils can complete this at home. There is no pressure to send this into school but if your child is particularly proud of a piece of work they can bring it in and we will display it on our 'WOW' wall. 

Please find the weekly homework on the class blog.  Children will also have a free choice library book every Friday and this needs to be returned each week. Each child will have an individual reading book weekly and these need to be returned on the day highlighted on the reading records. Once books have been returned on the appropriate day, pupils will then take their next book. 



At Casllwchwr, we do many forms of reading:

  • Guided reading in groups 
  • Shared (paired ,group and whole class)
  • Individual (Reading with the class teacher/teaching assistant/adult)


Our new reading system will be up and running after the first 2-3 weeks of settling into the new classes. We will send details home with further information.  We will be continuing with our online reading scheme called 'Reading Eggs'.  This is an exciting and valuable tool to help raise children's confidence in reading.  Children will have an individual log in and they can use it at home. this will become part of year 1 and year 2 homework. 



Fruit and Drinks

Healthy eating is a priority in our school and we are encouraging everyone to bring in a healthy fruit or vegetable snack for eating during morning breaktime. Please bring in a water bottle (with your name on it) every day for use in the classroom  and will need to be taken home and brought back each day. Please can you ensure that water bottles for classroom use are filled only with water. Other drinks are allowed for packed lunches i.e. squash or fruit juice.  


Website & Dojo:

Remember to check our class blog to see what we have been learning and our school social media account on X.  We will continue to use Class Dojo as a reward system within the classroom. 


Year 1/2  - Planning the Curriculum 

Bridge Phase

2024-2025 Topics

We are working together to plan and prepare exciting learning opportunities with everyone involved. EPIC Planning (Everyone planning in class) - Pupil voice will help us to steer our learning journey together. 


Autumn Topic-  What's beyond the Stars? (whole school topic) 

Spring Topic - What can you create ? (LLC focus)

Summer Topic


EPIC Planning Autumn Term 2024 


EPIC Planning Spring Term 2025

To contact Mrs Taylor or Mrs Williams

We will endeavour to reply as soon as possible
