Click the link below to access 2024-25 Reception/Y1's Gallery
Croeso i'r Derbyn/ Blwyddyn Un! Welcome to Reception/ Year 1!
Staff in Reception/ Year 1
Mrs A Davies (Mon, Tues, Wed) & Mrs R Smith (Thurs, Fri)
Miss Kate, Mrs S Beers, Mrs K Jones (Mornings) & Mrs A Ferguson (Afternoons)
We would like to extend to you and your child, our warmest welcome into our Reception/Year 1 classroom. We have a wide variety of topics this year, and have a range of experiences planned for the children with lots of fun and laughter.
Our Autumn Topic
Our 'Castle' topic for this term will be 'What's Beyond the Stars?'
PE Day: Friday
Children will need to wear a PE kit into school on the relevant day – shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and a t-shirt. Sometimes we will have P.E outside, so it would be advisable for children to wear trainers too.
Welly Wednesday
Children will take part in a whole range of lessons on alternative Wednesdays in our amazing nature reserve within the school grounds. Please keep an eye on Class Dojo for updates on these sessions. We ask that pupils wear appropriate, comfortable clothing suitable for weather conditions.
If you wish to leave your child's wellies and waterproofs on their peg, please can you make sure they are in a clearly labelled bag. Pupils will also need a waterproof coat, and in the colder months we would advise you to put in some extra layers, and send in a warm hat.
We will aim to be out every session, rain or shine!
Here are the dates for the first half term: (subject to change, you will be kept up to date)
(Soon to be added)
Reading & Homework in Reception
At Casllwchwr, we do many forms of reading:
During the Autumn term, we will be assessing the children's phonic knowledge and working through the RWI Set 1 and 2 sounds. When the children are confident with their sounds, we will begin to issue reading books. Children will develop at different stages, so please don't worry if your child is not ready for a book at the same time as some of the other children. We will only send a book home when we feel the children are confident with their sounds and blending of words.
We will also use our online reading scheme called 'Reading Eggs'. This is an exciting and valuable tool to help raise children's confidence in reading. Once set up, children will be allocated an individual log in and they can start using it at home. These will sent home during the first few weeks of term.
We also subscribe to a fab Maths resource called Mathletics and this along with Reading Eggs will form the basis of the Homework. There will be some weeks when we may send home some additional Maths, Language or topic work, but we will keep you updated on the Class blog and Class Dojo. This will be sent home on a Monday and will need to be returned the following Monday.
Fruit and Drinks
As a healthy school, we are encouraging children to eat a fruit snack which they can bring into school for their break time. Due to current guidelines we are unable to sell fruit at this time. Children have their own school water bottles which they have access to during the school day and will need to be taken home and brought back each day.
Please can we ask that you label all jumpers, cardigans, clothes and bags as this helps us get all belongings back to the right children. We have a jumper box in class that we use to try and contain stray jumpers and cardigans, but inevitably, as they are only little, things do get left in the hall and on the yard. Labelling saves us a lot of hunting! We also advise that you label lunch box containers and water bottles.
Topics for ) Year 2024 / 2025
Autumn: What's beyond the stars? (Whole school topic)
Thank you for your support and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss anything,
Kind regards.
Mrs A Davies & Mrs R Smith
We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.