Home Page

Year 3

Click the link below to access 2023-24 Year 3's Gallery to see what we have been up to! 


Welcome to Year 3! Croeso!

A very warm welcome to Year 3! We are looking forward to a fantastic year and are very excited to learn new skills and work as hard as we can so we can be the best we can be! The main motto in our class is to "Smile, Love and be Kind"  and we will be working really hard to be lovely to each other so that we can enjoy our learning and reach our full potential. 


Your teacher is Mrs Sarah Reece 

Teaching Assistant -  Mrs Aimi Davies


Things to remember:

Monday – Homework will be set. Year 3 will have spelling patterns each week to work on and consolidate at home. These will be on the Y3 class blog every Monday. Maths will also be given.  


Tuesday - PE session - wear PE kit to school. 


Friday – Spelling challenge on the weekly Year 3 patterns. 


Friday Dictation Challenge 

Once children have become familiar with and have practised the weekly spelling words, both at home and at school, they will be given a dictation challenge on the Friday.  This will allow them to show how they are able to apply the words to their writing and will also give opportunities to practise punctuation and grammar skills.  We are really keen to emphasise to the children that they are learning spellings and punctuation, not for a ‘test’, but instead to become more confident, competent writers.  


PE Sessions

Please make sure you are wearing suitable outdoor clothing and trainers for these sessions. Every other week, we will be having our Estuary Education  We will also be developing our mindfulness and resilience sessions as part of our Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE)


Estuary Education

This will be on a fortnightly basis for this first Autumn half term. Please ensure children are suitably dressed for all weathers! 


Thursday 21st September

Thursday 5th October

Thursday 19th October


Autumn Term 2

Thursday 16th November

Thursday 30th November 


This will continue on a fortnightly basis. Please ensure children are suitably dressed for all weathers! 

Spring Term 1

Outdoor learning trip: Thursday 11th January

Thursday 25th January

Thursday 8th February

Spring Term 2

Thursday 29th February

Thursday 14th March 


Summer Term 1:

Thursday 11th April 2024

Thursday 25th April 2024

Thursday 9th May 2024

Thursday 23rd May 2024


Summer Term 2:

Thursday 13th June

Thursday 27th June

Thursday 11th July



Healthy snacks to be brought in daily for break time.

Water bottles to be brought in daily and sent home for washing. It may be an idea to have 1 bottle for lunch and 1 for the classroom. Please can these be labelled clearly.


Pupils already have their logins to work online at home for HWB (J2e) and Reading Eggs.



We need to encourage as much reading as possible this year.  We have the online reading scheme 'Reading Eggs/ Reading Eggspress' where pupils can develop their phonics at home and develop their reading and comprehension skills.  Within Reading Eggs there is a fantastic Library section where children can choose all sorts of books appropriate for their age and ability. Please make use of this valuable resource at home. 


Reading at Casllwchwr. At Casllwchwr, we do many forms of reading:  
Guided reading both as a whole class  (same text for whole group - decided by the teacher with lots of talk involved teaching objectives) and in groups 
Shared   (paired, group and whole class)

Individual (1:1 reading with an adult)
Independent  (own choice)

Please try to read every night! 



The Y3 Class blog will be updated regularly with homework, information and a link to the photo gallery showcasing our learning.

Juniors use Class Dojo to reward points in class but not as a tool to communicate with parents. We will continue to communicate through our  'X' feed @Casllwchwr1  (formerly known as Twitter) emails and the Class Blog similar to the real world. 


Topics for Progression Step 2 (Bridge Phase), 2023 to 2024

Autumn:  The Colour of Life (Health and Well-Being) 

Spring: Is it a Wonderful World? (Whole school topic - Humanities themed) 

Summer:  Is it better to be stronger or faster? (Sci Tech)


EPIC Summer Term 2024




EPIC Spring Term 2024





EPIC (Everyone Planning In Class) Planning Autumn Term 2023


Contact Information 

If you need to contact us regarding school matters please do not hesitate to phone or email first thing in the morning or at the end of the school day.



To contact Mrs Reece

I will endeavour to reply as soon as possible
