School Uniform Information
We are very proud of our school and in consultation with parents have decided upon a school uniform. When Casllwchwr Primary School children wear school uniform we feel they represent the school with pride by dressing appropriately.
We want to support our school community as much as possible and appreciate that the cost of uniform can be really expensive. With this in mind, if families wish to purchase uniform without logos from supermarkets or other suppliers, that is totally acceptable.
Red sweat shirts (with school logo)
White or red polo shirts (with school logo)
Coloured hooded tops (with school logo) (Year 6 pupils only)
Grey/black dresses or skirts Gingham red check summer dresses
Grey/black trousers
Other school kit
Red P.E. T-shirts
Book bags
We are able to embroider the school badge onto the appropriate clothing for a slight charge if this is more suitable to your needs.
Please note that our uniform involves plain colours and we would wish to discourage the wearing of tracksuits and sweatshirts that display large logos or other colours. We have our own school logo which displays our pride in belonging to Casllwchwr Primary School.
Items with the school logo, such as sweatshirts and polo shirts can be purchased from the school. Alternatively, items in the school colours (plain red and white) can be bought from many retailers at reasonable prices, and school badges are also available from the school if you wish to add them to these purchases.
Please ensure that every item of school clothing is labelled with your child’s name. We have a huge collection of lost items of uniform which is much easier to return if it has been labelled with a child’s name. If this uniform is not claimed then it is laundered and, resold by our PTA whenever possible.