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Year 4

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Welcome to Year 4! Croeso!




Staff in Year 4: Miss C Preece & Mrs A Powell


A huge, warm welcome to Year 4!  We are so excited to begin our year with you all.  Get ready to have a fantastic year of fun and learning.  We can't wait to meet you all and get to know your amazing personalities.  We will form a great team - we know it already!

You are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for break time and also to bring in a water bottle that has your

name on it.  We will encourage you to drink plenty throughout the school day to stay healthy and hydrated.  

AUTUMN TERM TOPIC:  What's beyond the stars? (whole school topic)


SPRING TERM TOPIC:  Where will the spotlight shine? (PS3 topic)







Weekly spellings and other homework will be uploaded to our Y4 blog on a Monday on our school website (link below) to complete throughout the week.   


Friday Dictation Challenge 

Once children have become familiar with and have practised the weekly spelling words, both at home and at school, they will be given a dictation challenge on the Friday.  This will allow them to show how they are able to apply the words to their writing and will also give opportunities to practise punctuation and grammar skills.  We are really keen to emphasise to the children that they are learning spellings and punctuation, not for a ‘test’, but instead to become more confident, competent writers.   


Oracy Project:

In Year 4, you will complete two main oracy projects - these will be in the Autumn Term and the Summer Term.  We will make sure that we practise lots of Oracy skills throughout the Autumn term to prepare you for this.  


PE/Ymarfer Corff: Friday

 Please ensure that you wear suitable clothing and footwear for these days. 





Estuary Education will be held fortnightly. We aim for it to be every other Tuesday and will let you know if there are any changes.  Aside from Estuary Education sessions, we will be learning outdoors on other occasions so it is always a good idea to bring a coat just incase! 


In the Winter months, we would advise you to layer up and wear waterproofs if you have them.  On very cold days you can double up on trousers and socks and always remember a hat and gloves.  


Here are the dates for the first half of the term: Tuesday 17th September, Tuesday 1st October, Tuesday 15th October.


Here are the dates for Autumn Term 2: Tuesday 5th November, Tuesday 19th November, Tuesday 3rd December


Here are the dates for Spring Term 1: Monday 13th January, Monday 27th January & Monday 10th February


Here are the dates for Spring Term 2: Monday 17th March & Monday 31st March


Here are the dates for Summer Term 1


Here are the dates for Summer Term 2





If there are any changes with these dates we will inform. 

Reading at Casllwchwr, we do many forms of reading:  
Guided reading - groups
Shared   (paired, group and whole class)

Individual (1:1 reading with an adult)
Independent  (own choice)


Please bring a reading folder into school as soon as possible, in order to take home an individual schemed reading book (Bug Club) and a book from our class library of your choice. 


Return your books at least once a week to exchange and for children to discuss with their teachers and TA.


Whilst you have your library book and reading book at home, children will still be listened to and taught reading skills in class throughout each week.  


Whilst you have your schemed Bug Club reading book at home, we will be listening to you read through guided reading sessions.


Online reading - Reading Eggs/Eggspress    


Please remember to access Reading Eggs/Eggspress as regularly as possible.  You will be given time to use this excellent reading tool in class, too. 

You will take home your password bookmark at the beginning of term - remember to keep it safe at home.


I understand it may be hard for Mums and Dads to

hear you read every night, so be independent and read to yourself when they can’t hear you. Try to alternate it as much as possible and try to read a range of books. 




You all have HWB log ins that you know.‘ will take

you to the log in page.  


Photographs of our learning will be on the Y4 gallery.  The link is at the top of this class page. 

Keep your eye out on Twitter for photos of our learning, too.  



Remember to reach for the stars in everything you do - if you try your very hardest, nobody can ask anything more of you!  


Contact for Miss Preece

Contact Information

If you have any questions or queries and need to contact me during school hours, please use the email boxes below:

School Office: 01792 892420


Thank you,

The Year 4 Team
