Walk To School Week - Week Beginning 20th May 2019
This week is 'Walk to School Week' and at Casllwchwr we would like to get involved. The Walk to School week is a great celebration where pupils and grown-ups around the UK unite for one week of walking to school and this year is the 90th anniversary. The challenge will get to the heart of walking and how it can benefit the whole community, as well as improve wellbeing.
As a school, we launched the programme by having an introduction assembly for the children yesterday and then today we will start the programme through to Friday when the children will tally the days they walk to school.
We understand that many of you travel various distances to get to us every day and we fully understand this. However, there are ways to still take part in the programme such as parking a few streets away to walk to our entrance. It is not compulsory for the children to take part, however as a school we will arrange a prize for those children who successfully complete the walk to school week.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Kindest regards,
Miss Preece