On Friday the 17th of May, we will be supporting Kids Cancer Charity celebrate 30 years of helping children affected by cancer, by holding a funny hair day, a voluntary contribution of £1 per child would be greatly appreciated.
Kids Cancer Charity is a national charity, set up in 1989 and based in Swansea. The charity provides vital support services to children who have got cancer, as well as their siblings. They also support the children of parents who have cancer. They provide Play Therapy services, support groups, befriending and breaks programmes so that families can spend some much needed to time together. The charity receives no government funding and relies on people and organisations who fund raise and generously donate to them. For example, money donated via Children In Need, funds one of their qualified and sought after Play Therapists. She has even featured on the programme alongside a local family who have been assisted by Kids Cancer Charity through the toughest of journeys.
Lara, from Kids Cancer Charity will be popping into the school to thank the children and chat a little bit about how the money raised will be used.
Any support is greatly appreciated by us and the charity.