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Estuary Dates Autumn 2022

Estuary Education – Autumn Term 2022 (Half Term 2)

We are pleased to share the dates for our ‘Estuary Education’ outdoor learning days for the rest of this term. Our Estuary Education is an embedded part of our school learning offer. Please keep an eye on our Twitter page for examples of our learning. Please ensure that your child / children come prepared in appropriate clothing, footwear and a coat for these days.


The learning days dates are as follows:

Year 6 – Monday 24th October, Monday 14th November, Monday 28th November, Monday 12th December

Year 5  - Monday  24th October, Monday 14th November, Monday 28th November, Monday 12th December

Year 4 – Wednesday 9th November, Wednesday 23rd November, Wednesday 7th December, Wednesday 21st December

Year 3 – Tuesday 25th October, Tuesday 15th November, Tuesday 29th November, Tuesday 13th December

Year 2 – Monday 7th November, Monday 21st November, Monday 5th December, Tuesday 20th December

Year 1  - Monday 7th November, Monday 21st November, Monday 5th December, Tuesday 20th December

*Please be aware that these dates could alter depending on school events or events that are out of our control. We will also be using our school nature reserve and the Estuary at other points during the course of the term, which we will communicate with yourselves at the earliest possible convenience. Many thanks.
